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May 1, 2000 *3,700 subscribers* Volume 2, Issue 5
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- New XML tools enhance B2B
- Mega-proxy
servers: A load of trouble?
- EDS takes wireless to the bank
- B2B
apps are a hot item on menu
- Amazon
getting into wine business
- Browser
Wars Redux?
- ConsumerREVIEW.com
Launches Seasonal Buyers Guides
- Estée
Lauder Expands Web Sales
- MasterCard
Offers Virus Repair Service
- Medical
distributors open e-market
- Network
Solutions Wants 2 More Top-Level Domains
- New
Intelligence Tool Evaluates E-Commerce Performance
- New
Real-Time E-Commerce Survey Service Launched
- Prime
Retail Closes eOutlets.com; 48 Workers Terminated
- Siebel
Jumps Into E-commerce
- Speech-Driven
Telephone E-Business App Launched
---- New XML tools enhance B2B
Data Junctions and XMLSolutions are among the vendors that have developed tools
that translate legacy data into XML.
Mega-proxy servers: A load of trouble?
Some e-commerce sites are learning the hard way that the very tools they use to
improve Web site performance could contribute to lost revenue.
EDS takes wireless to the bank EDS this week will announce nationwide
wireless banking services for users of Palm VII handhelds.
B2B apps are a hot item on menu
Build-it-yourself isn't always practical in the get-it-up-and-running-yesterday
world of e-commerce. That's why a number of companies, such as Ariba and Commerce
One, are offering B2B operators do-it-quick e-commerce capabilities.
Amazon getting into
wine business The
online retailing giant is expected to announced Tuesday that it is acquiring an
equity stake in Wineshopper.com, a new Internet-based wine seller.
Browser Wars Redux? The Wired News headline - "Netscape 6: Does
Anyone Care?" - was odd, considering that the story about the new version
was one of three the site ran.
ConsumerREVIEW.com Launches Seasonal Buyers Guides ConsumerREVIEW.com
launched the first in a series of seasonal buyers guides featuring product recommendations,
how-to information, directories and original articles.
Estée Lauder Expands Web Sales In a shift that will bring highly sought
after merchandise to a host of online retailers, Estée Lauder, the leading
prestige cosmetics maker, will allow its traditional offline retail partners
to begin selling its products online starting later this year.
MasterCard Offers Virus Repair Service MasterCard has taken the unusual
step of offering a free virus repair service as a key feature in its small business
card package.
Medical distributors open e-market Five major health care distributors
say they will invest more than $100 million to establish an electronic exchange
aimed at cutting medical costs.
Network Solutions Wants 2 More Top-Level Domains A paper sent to ICANN
recommends the creation of '.shop' and '.banc' to ease Net gridlock.
New Intelligence Tool Evaluates E-Commerce Performance @plan. Inc.,
an online B2B exchange for optimizing Internet advertising and merchandising
strategies, launched its E-Tailgraphics System, a new market research planning
New Real-Time E-Commerce Survey Service Launched Active Research, a
provider of Web-based market research automation services, launched ActiveFlash,
a custom outsourced service that surveys e-commerce consumers as they decide what
products to buy across the Internet.
Prime Retail Closes eOutlets.com; 48 Workers Terminated Prime Retail
Inc. late Wednesday said it was unable to transfer its wholly-owned subsidiary,
Primeoutlets.com Inc., also known as eOutlets.com, to an investor group. Because
of the failure, Prime Retail closed the Web concern and fired 48 employees.
Siebel Jumps Into E-commerce The front-office market leader launched
Siebel eBusiness 2000, the Internet-laden upgrade to its flagship CRM package,
and bought e-commerce auction vendor OpenSite for $444 million in stock.
Speech-Driven Telephone E-Business App Launched NetByTel.com launched
its Telephone e-Business Platform that "lets online retailers and other e-businesses
extend their Web-based marketplaces to anyone with a telephone."
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