The value created in a company is from the business models that are deployed,
managed and evolved over time. ECnow.com's methodology, called the Value Framework®,
helps one analyze the models and the strategy that will help them be effective.
The framework will help to:
1) Determine the effectiveness of the business
models already in place
2) Help to manage and evolve those business models
for tomorrow
3) Ascertain additional business models that should be deployed
The Value Framework® deals with value creation. It is more of a
framework for business success then an equation one can plug numbers into. The
equation V=MS3 is not yet mathematically proven (yet), however, the framework
has proven successful (time and time again) at giving an executive a tool to get
a better intuitive understanding of their business and to allow them to choose
the model(s) that should be deployed, managed and e-volved to create value for
the long-term. Mr. Levy feels that a systematic proliferation of the Value Framework(tm)
among the divisions and departments of a company will provide an outstanding tool
for management to share the vision and allow the employees to effectively execute
on it.
Mitchell Levy, CEO and Author of THiNKaha®, business consultant & strategist,connector, educator & prognosticator can help your company choose the business models you should
deploy today and tomorrow. He guarantees insight about your business with the
initial 2-hr "quick-start" consultation. Contact Mr. Levy at: info
@ valueframeworkinstitute.org, 408-257-3000.