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Inside this Issue:

  1. Announcing the 'hot of the press' book: "Happy About™ Knowing What to Expect in 2006"

Subject: Nov-Dec 2005 eZine: Top 10 Predictions for 2006

Value Framework® Institute eZine: Your Link to Business Strategy
November 15, 2005 *5,500 subscribers* Volume 7, Issue 4
Online at http://ValueFrameworkInstitute.org/publications.html
This Issue online at http://ValueFrameworkInstitute.org/Nov-Dec2005/

In this issue, we wanted to let you know about Happy About™'s 'hot of the press' book about trends for 2006. "Happy About Knowing What to Expect in 2006: Getting a Handle on the Year Ahead" will help you think about expectations for this year. Mitchell Levy has been making extremely accurate predictions since 1998. Read about his previous predictions to see how much credibility you'll give to this year's trends. It's a fun and entertaining read. You will be glad you spent the time and will be happy with your new perspective. The book sells in tradebook form for $19.95 and in ebook form for $11.95. The PDF and tradebook versions are available from the Happy About website today and will be available on Amazon and through the book channels in the next week or two. View the contributors for this year, read more predictions, view the table of contents and purchase a copy. We hope you enjoy "Happy About™ Knowing What to Expect in 2006" and look forward to hearing your feedback!


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Book: Happy About Knowing What to Expect in 2006: Getting a Handle on the Year Ahead

Wouldn't it be great to have a good handle on what will happen this year to make sure you could plan around it? This book provides a series of answers. For 2006, we have contributions from 50 executives with a number of interesting predictions.

PDF: $11.95

Trade book$19.95
Discounted to $15.97


The Top Ten Trends for 2006 are:

  1. Energy issues take a front burner on the world stage.
  2. The Internet's democratization effect expands to traditional media.
  3. Marketing expenditures and activities continue to shift to the Internet.
  4. China's continued growth significantly affects world commerce.
  5. Outsourcing continues to expand to other sectors of the economy.
  6. Services continue to play a bigger role in Western economies.
  7. Usage and proliferation of mobile commerce expands.
  8. Adoption of VOIP continues.
  9. Employer/employee relationships strengthen for the first time in years.
  10. Security and privacy issues raise their heads again.


Each trend is supplemented with a number of predictions from leading industry experts. Here are some interesting predictions from this year's book:

  • "Office in your phone. Millions will be carrying mobile devices that do more than voice, email and text. Videos, web conferencing, unified messaging, powerpoint presentations, mobile access to any content using infobots, and more are coming."
    Rip Gerber, CMO, GM-Ecommerce, Intellisync Corporation
  • "Countries as Brands. In 2006 countries will start overtly branding themselves to increase export visibility. Made in Luxembourg? You bet."
    Andrew Greenberg, CEO, Greenberg Brand Strategy
  • "Younger and younger users will create increasingly more complex content with higher production value. Heck, who doesn't know a 4th grader whose made a movie?"
    Karen Howe, VP, AOL
  • "Amazing acceleration of the economy of services. Expect the services component of US GDP grow from 72% to 80%."
    Jean Paul Jacob, IBM Researcher, Emeritus
  • "On Jan 1, 2006, the first Baby Boomer turns 60. The richest, best-educated, most spoiled generation in history. They want to live well and live forever, and they will transform our 20th Century healthcare system with their demands."
    Jack Powers, Director, International Informatics Institute
  • "Crime on the Internet will be more rampant than ever. Why? Sutton's law. Willy Sutton the bank robber said he robbed banks because, 'That's where the money is.'"
    Dave Anderson, CEO, Sendmail
  • "Oil prices will top $100 / barrel and average over $80 / barrel and Oil prices will drive at least one country to effectively declare bankruptcy and call in the World Bank / IMF."
    Rohit Talwar, CEO, Fast Future


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PDF: $11.95

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Happy About

Happy About writes and publishes books for corporations the utililze case studies, testimonials and war stories from those that have "Been There and Done That!". Check our books or white papers.

Contact us if you are a company that would like us to write a book for you or an author that would like to submit a book.


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Executive Producer, Mitchell Levy (info @ ValueFrameworkInstitute.org)
Copy Editor, Tejashree Uppala (
info @ ValueFrameworkInstitute.org)

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