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  1. The Three Fundamental Rules of Business

Subject: Jul-Sep 2006 eZine: The Three Fundamental Rules of Business

Value Framework® Institute eZine: Your Link to Business Strategy
July 5, 2006 *5,500 subscribers* Volume 8, Issue 3
Online at http://ValueFrameworkInstitute.org/publications.html
This Issue online at http://ValueFrameworkInstitute.org/Jul-Sep2006/

In this issue, I wanted to share with you the three fundamental rules of business.

I was never mentored as a kid and never had a boss that helped me in a way that truly allowed me to unleash my potential. I was lucky enough to be working for Sun Microsystems when they introduced a mentoring program in my division and I grabbed the most senior exec that participated. In one of our sessions, he introduced a concept that allowed me to break-out of the rut I was in and truly unleash my potential. At the point (around 1995), I decided to help as many others unleash their potential as I could.

Nine years later as my son turned 6 (he's 8 now), I thought I must share some key thoughts on business that he can use to focus his business efforts. Kids don't like complexity (unless it's bundled inside a video game), so I decided to create a framework that could guide his efforts. After giving this a lot of thought, I came up with three business rules that really encapsulate the fundamental tenets of what I've learned in business and the concepts that steer my activities on a day-to-day basis. They are:

  1. Make as many friends as possible and do as many favors as possible
  2. Help those with needs get hooked-up with those that can fulfill those needs
  3. Enjoy business, experiment often, and learn from your mistakes

Business rule #1 is a variant of the "Golden Rule". The premise is that you can never have too many friends. As you get older, the reasons you make friends is not too different then when you're younger, it just seems a little harder. In youth, you make friends because the person is there and they want to play with you. In business, most people make friends when they think the person they meet can help them. I'd like to add to that thought process. You should make friends not only when you feel that someone can help you, but when you can help them. Learn about the needs and wants that people have. Learn about how you can help them. Be prepared to do as many favors as you can to help people succeed. It's personally very rewarding and pays off in the end in ways you may not be able to imagine today.

Business rule #2 is one that I call "supply and demand.". If you've done a good job in business rule #1, you have many friends and have learned what they need and what they are good at. As you meet new people and learn about their needs, wants, and capabilities, you will find opportunities to connect them with your older friends. As you help solve problems and fulfill needs, you will be creating economic benefits for your friends that will pay off both directly and indirectly over time.

Business rule #3 is based on the fact that noone knows it all and that life keeps changing. As such, business practices that work today may not work tomorrow. It's important to experiment, to try new things and new ways to deliver your products and service to the market. It's important in this experimentation to realize that it's ok to fail. Failure is good, particularly when you can do so in a pre-defined experiment that allowed you to fail in the most efficient manner possible. To make failure positive, you need to learn from it and have it be a guideline in your next set of experiments. Most paramount in this rule is the fundamental fact that you should enjoy what you're doing. I try to create a world where business and play are the same. I enjoy both and bundle them together. If you do not enjoy what you're doing today for work, try to change that. Try to experiment making money doing something that you really do enjoy. Trust me, it will be a lot more fun.

Business (and life for that matter) is not easily packaged in an article or highlighted as an example in the back of a book. It's complex, it keeps changing, and the rules continue to shift as we and society mature. If you make many friends which you help succeed and continue to experiment and learn what works in delivering your product or service to market, you will be successful financially and emotionally and it will show in all aspects of your life.

Go out and make it happen for you and let me know if there's anything I can do to help!

Best regards,

Mitchell Levy, Publisher & CEO, Happy About
Chief Strategy Office, The Value Framework Institute
publisher @ happyabout.info, 408-257-3000

P.S. We just released a new book that's relevant. Here's a quick paragraph on it.

"Happy About Joint Venturing" is a recently released book that can help you in the joint ventures you create. After reading the book and reflecting on the three business rules, I'm pleasantly surprised that a number of the rules are embodied in the text. This says something about the author Valerie Orsoni-Vauthey and is my subtle way of encouraging you to read it. If you do pick up a copy at the Happy About site or on Amazon or some other retailer, please let me know what you think. I'd be curious to know if it helped you create or succeed in an existing joint venture or if you shared the book with a friend where it helped them succeed.



Click to learn more about joint venturing and how do drive success with your venture

Book: Happy About Joint-Venturing: The 8 Critical Factors of Success

Get a clear understanding of all you need to know before starting your winning joint-ventures. 148 pages (eBook is 112) on...

  • What is a joint venture?
  • How to choose the right partner?
  • Where to find the right partner and whom should you run away from?
  • Planning your joint-venture business
  • Aligning your goals
  • Marketing your business and more...

eBook: $11.95

Tradebook 19.95


Reviews of "Happy About Joint Venturing"

"Joint venturing is an essential part of successful entrepreneurship. Most people, though, do it by the seat of their pants and out of sheer necessity. Valerie's book provides an eight-part strategic framework for building a successful joint venture, from finding the right partner all the way through to exit strategies when the partnership has run its course. The section on integrating human resources is especially strong, and that is perhaps the most important, but least understood aspect of successful joint ventures. An essential guide for the entrepreneur who's realized they can't go it alone."
Scott Allen, About.com Entrepreneurs Guide, Coauthor, "The Virtual Handshake: Opening Doors and Closing Deals Online"

"Reading 'Happy About Joint Venturing' is like having your own business coach sharing all her expertise on how to launch and grow a successful joint-venture. Valerie truly knows her subject. I found Valerie's analytical and easy to understand thought process to be the most creative and illustrative in the industry. If you are dedicated to change and want to be challenged by a very experienced coach, Valerie may be just what you are looking for." Two thumbs up!
Mark Minevich, Co-Chair Nobel Fullbright BTM Institute, Chief Strategy Officer Enamics Inc, former Sr. Executive IBM Corporation - Albert Einstein Award Recipient - author "Six Billion Minds" and “CTO Handbook”

"Three years ago, my income from joint venturing was zero. Last year, it was over 33% of my total revenues. Not knowing about joint venturing in the 21st Century is like not knowing about about computers in the 20th Century. After you read 'Happy About Joint Venturing' you will know what every successful business person must know."
Jay Conrad Levinson, The Father of Guerrilla Marketing, Author: "Guerrilla Marketing" series of books, Over 14 million sold; now in 42 languages

"As the business world becomes global, more complex, and as technology rapidly changes, being able to form successful joint ventures becomes a must. Valerie's book is a great concrete tool toward that goal and guides entrepreneurs, managers and business owners to get better armed to execute on the art of partnering."
Philippe Bouissou, Ph.D., Managing Director, Astra Venture Partners

"Whether you've participated in a number of joint venture's (JV's) or are just starting to make one work for you, there are a number of tips, techniques and rules of thumb you should be thinking about and applying to help you achieve success. Having created over 20 JV's in the last 5 years, there are many things I've learned. Even with this knowledge, reading the book opened my eyes to new tips and techniques. It's worth picking up and reading yourself"
Mitchell Levy, Partner, CEOnetworking


About the Author


Valerie Orsoni-Vauthey is the CEO and Founder of MyPrivateCoach.com, a leading USA and European coaching organization. Her experience in banking and venture capital has allowed her to participate in a number of successful joint-ventures, including ventures in the artificial intelligence field (sold) and online retailing business (sold). She is a regular guest on the Good Life Show, invited on business radio shows in Europe and frequently interviewed by the press.


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Happy About writes and publishes books for corporations the utililze case studies, testimonials and war stories from those that have "Been There and Done That!". Check our books or white papers.

Contact us if you are a company that would like us to write a book for you or an author that would like to submit a book.



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Read more at "CEOnetworking", contact us about membership by e-mail (info@ceonetworking.com) or phone Mitchell Levy, or Thomas Hong, at 408-404-6758.


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Executive Producer, Mitchell Levy (info @ ValueFrameworkInstitute.org)

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