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Expanded E-Commerce Management (ECM) Deployment


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February 1, 2000 *3,200 subscribers* Volume 2, Issue 2
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ECnow.com 2000 trends: Expanded E-Commerce Management (ECM) Deployment



  • BizTalk: All Talk?

  • IBM lukewarm about Microsoft's 'proprietary' BizTalk

  • Channel Companies Invest In First E-Business Hub

  • Consumer sites adopt barter model

  • Exchanges for Everything

  • Gartner ultrabullish on B2B

  • Amazon buyers choose Barnes & Noble for returns

  • Attention shoppers

  • Manufacturers Grapple With Online Sales

  • Luxury Watchmakers Are Web Wary

  • 'Be Prepared' Not Just a Motto in Post-Y2K Era

  • The Y2K Bug Was in the Channel

  • ToysRUs.com Sued: Santa Failed

  • Barter Exchanges on the Internet

  • Can FedEx Get Up to Net Speed by Slowing Deliveries Down?

  • Ship happens: Same-Day Delivery Woes

  • Study: retailers remain unready for online sales


BizTalk: All Talk?
Key pieces of Microsoft's e-commerce strategy are still missing in action.

IBM lukewarm about Microsoft's 'proprietary' BizTalk
A key IBM executive, in an interview here at the company's Partner World 2000 conference, said Big Blue will only support the BizTalk Framework -- a Microsoft-developed framework for describing how the Extensible Markup Language is to be used in business-to-business commerce -- in Windows environments.

Channel Companies Invest In First E-Business Hub
Channel giants Ingram Micro Inc., Tech Data Corp., Avnet Inc., Arrow Electronics Inc., FDX Corp. and Softbank said today they have collaborated to help create the first e-business hub for the IT industry.  The venture, Viacore Inc., is a service provider developing the first e-commerce business-to-business hub linked with RosettaNet Internet-based language standards and designed for the IT industry, organizers said.

Consumer sites adopt barter model
A new crop of start-ups and their heavyweight financial backers are betting that the next wave in consumer e-commerce will have people trading their belongings without cash.

Exchanges for Everything
Buyers and sellers are leveraging the power of auctions for every good imaginable. Are you ready to compete in the new exchange economy?

Gartner ultrabullish on B2B
The market research firms sees big things ahead for the B2B commerce market and for the B2B market makers.

Amazon buyers choose Barnes & Noble for returns
Amazon.com touts a quick and easy return policy, yet some of its customers find it easier to return books at rival Barnes & Noble superstores

Commerce One, Ariba in B2B e-commerce battle
Online procurement rivals Commerce One and Ariba are engaged in a marketing battle for the ages.

Attention shoppers
Top consumer goods manufacturers wisely look to ally with Web grocers while it's still cheap.

Manufacturers Grapple With Online Sales
Just as Amazon.com has led millions of would-be entrepreneurs toward the e-commerce promised land, so too has the success of Dell Computer led countless manufacturers to believe that their future success rides on the ability to sell directly to consumers over the Internet.

Luxury Watchmakers Are Web Wary
Luxury-goods companies like Europe's makers of high-end watches are getting increasingly uneasy about the Internet, which threatens to loosen their control over distribution.

'Be Prepared' Not Just a Motto in Post-Y2K Era
The peaceful passage of the Y2K weekend hasn't prompted massive returns, online retailers say.

The Y2K Bug Was in the Channel
There is a serious Y2K problem, after all, and it originates from Cybercash's ICVerify unit, recently victimized by a cracker-embezzler who tried to post 300,000 credit card numbers online. The problem lies in those terminals merchants use to process credit card transactions, and how they got them. It's estimated that some 6,000 stores are impacted.

ToysRUs.com Sued: Santa Failed
A customer files a class-action suit against the toys giant Internet division because it couldn't get the gifts under the Xmas tree in time.

Barter Exchanges on the Internet
The Internet is an ideal medium for bartering goods and services. Barter exchanges, when brought to the Web, enjoy a great potential for growth. The tax rules for recognizing income from bartering transactions present no great difficulties. The rules that apply outside the Web will apply equally to Internet-based transactions.

Can FedEx Get Up to Net Speed by Slowing Deliveries Down?
With its stock in the dumps, the air express giant reorganizes operations to better reach the e-commerce customer on the ground.

Ship happens: Same-Day Delivery Woes
Ordering online gets easier with practice. Actually receiving what you ordered, however, can be more of a challenge. Until goods can be beamed up, Star Trek-style, e-commerce companies will keep coming up with new delivery strategies.

Study: retailers remain unready for online sales
Despite the growth of e-commerce, many offline companies remain unprepared to compete on the Internet, according to a new study.



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