June 2001 HOME PAGE ECMgt.com

Subject: June2001 ECMgt.com: Better, Faster and Maybe Cheaper
ECMgt.com brought to you by ECnow.com
Your Link to Worldwide E-Commerce Developments
June 1, 2001 *4,200 subscribers* Volume 3, Issue 6
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July '01 Survey Question:

Thank you for your comments, suggestions and responses to our survey question. We will not be posting a survey question this month; however, if you have any comments, email us ecmgtsurvey@hotmail.com. We currently have over 4,200 subscribers. If you like what you read, please let your friends, clients and co-workers know about our free newsletter.


Check out our sponsor information page at http://ecmgt.com/sponsor.info.htm


You can contribute to ECMgt.com in one of two ways. 

  1. You can comment on this month's survey question via the bulletin board: http://ecmgt.com/bulletinboard.htm or by e-mail: mailto:ecmgt.survey@ecnow.com
  2. You can submit a story that's in line with the newsletter's monthly theme. Writer's guidelines are available at this location: http://ecmgt.com/writers.guildelines.htm 



Please feel free to call (408-257-3000) or e-mail us (mailto:VMS3.Executive.Producer@ecnow.com) with your questions, comments or suggestions for the next issue. 


From www.Jokes.com

A confused caller was having troubles printing documents. He told the technician that the computer had said that it ''could not find the printer.'' The user had even tried turning the computer screen to face the printer but his computer still could not 'see' the printer.

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This newsletter is 100% opt-in. You are receiving it because you have requested to receive it in the past. If you no longer wish to receive it, please let us know either on-line
http://ecmgt.com/cmsignup.htm or via e-mail VMS3.cancel@ecnow.com.


Executive Producer, Mitchell Levy (mailto:VMS3.Executive.Producer@ecnow.com)
News Editor, Shashi Kumar (
Copy Editor, Jim Schibler (

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